Redbox has been around since the fall of Blockbuster, you know that movie rental company with the blue and gold colors, the one that charged you for late fees even when they said they wouldn’t? Well any how, Redbox is revamping their boxes and trying to connect to the gaming side of entertainment. Redbox will offer games for rent starting today at 21,000 locations, and some of the games they’re aiming to offer are Brink (PS3, X360), Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, X360, Wii), Duke Nukem Forever (PS3, X360), Infamous 2 (PS3), LA Noire (PS3), and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (PS3, X360, Wii). No word on if they will offer 3DS or Vita games but it looks like we all have one more stop before heading home.
Does work for someone who doesn’t have ED?