'Banjo-Kazooie', created by Rare, was originally released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64. Ten years later, the original that we have come to love is back, this time on the Xbox 360's arcade service, and it's better then ever!
Essentially a time attack game, Trials HD, makes it seem as if you want to throw the controller across the room from time to time. Yet, you won't want to put that controller down for a minute!.
NCAA Football 10 is hands down the best of the franchise. There was a lot of hype building up for this year's release, stemming back to when they unveiled the create-a-school website. Thousands of players went to the site to create their own schools, or just make one up, and those same thousands of players purchased the game so they could download and play their teams.
The new Ghostbusters game surprised many people. I think many people expected a game to bring people back to their childhood, and attempt to recapture some of the glory the Ghostbusters movies had many years ago. Those same people, I think, were very surprised.
UFC is one of the fastest growing sports in this country. There has been a flood rush of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters over the past two years and between Pride and UFC, now mainstream America is getting in on the action.