Have you ever wondered if digital distribution would really take off? When all forms of physical media would be virtually gone? Well the creators over at Onlive have taken that step and have gone beyond, right now! We got a behind the scenes look at what could possibly be the future of gaming.
The developers for Black are at it again but where that game had a serious tone of destruction, this one sees an upbeat approach. Bodycount is inspired by famous faces like Lady Gaga and JJ Abrams and yes we said Lady Gaga. We got a demonstration on how the game works then got a hands on for ourselves to see what it's all about.
At E3 we were treated to a demoed session of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. This demo was split into 3 different scenarios, demonstrating a couple of things in the game. Here's how it all went down.
Sega and Platinum Games are set to show the world Vanquish, a third person shooter that gives you that Gears of War cover system but put their own style on it. The main character is a US agent named Sam, who has to fight off many Russian robot troops that are trying to gain a energy source to rule the world. We got a hands on at E3 and here's what we thought.
Now that Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is not only planning on making its return this year but by Criterion games, its no wonder the game was a secret for this long. I managed to get a hands on demo on the show floor at E3 and let me tell you the experience was good.
During the hype around Microsoft's controllerless camera Kinect over the course of its announcement last year, a lot of facts have surfaced. When we asked a rep for a Kinect game how many players will it pport they told us that the Kinect camera can only handle two complete skeletons simultaneously but will support four players over Xbox Live?
The developers for Nail'd are going a different rout in delivering a pure arcade racer that is sure to capture the ultimate amount of speed while behind these ATV's and motocross bikes as well. We got a hands on with the latest build for the game and here are our impressions so far.
After a week of postmortem at the LA Convention Center for E3, we here at LVLONE think its time to let you guys in on how we felt on everything related. Your not gonna want to miss our brutal impressions.
While in the last month or so we've had our fill of racing game releases, it would seem game devs are not done yet. MotorStorm Apocalypse is in the form of 3D so we took it for a test drive to see what it was all about.
Square Enix is sure bringing their love to the handheld market, at this years E3 more then one game was shown supporting the DS and now another is coming to the iPhone.