If your like me you like the Wii and think it has the ability to be one of the greatest consoles in gaming history. If your also like me then you think that Nintendo has barely tapped into Wii's potential. Now here we are, ignoring the console we once looked toward so eagerly. Our consoles have been collecting dust, having barely played any games since Smash Brothers or Wii Fit. Some have been considering selling their machine. Well you might want to reconsider that, because Nintendo hasn’t forgotten about the core gamers and there are several games in the big N’s lineup that might very well put the wii-mote back into your hands.
Hey everyone and welcome to lvlone.com. We are a site that follows the gaming industry and voice our opinions on it. Our site consists of many usual stuff you would find in a gaming website like Reviews, Previews and News. However unlike many other websites we have some unique features such as a Tech page for articles and questions on any gaming related electronics. Furthermore we have a variety of writers giving many different opinions, so there'll be plenty of things to discuss. You'll be able to go to our about page to read more about who we are and what we each do for the site. Overall we're here to provide a new and interesting view on the gaming industry, and we've got plenty of things planned so stay tuned. Oh and by the way my name is Turk, nice to meet you.