This weekend Remdog and myself were lucky to be able to get to go to Boston’s Pax East and engulf all the newest games that are out on the horizon. As usual we’ll be updating everyone throughout the next couple of weeks of what went down and all the wonderful games we played, seen, and were introduced to at Pax East. Just a few of the titles we got hands on with was Aliens Colonial Marines, Far Cry 3, Max Payne 3, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and Borderlands 2. We also got to see game play of XCOM, Assassins Creed 3, Hitman Absolution, and TONS of indie games, so if anyone was wondering how the games played, features of some of the games, or just any questions in general leave a comment and we’ll answer them when we do the write up. If I didn’t mention any of the game titles that you’re interested in, post a comment of which game you do want news on and if it was at Pax East and we played/saw it, I’ll be sure to answer as much as I can.