Activision’s Thomas Tippl has confirmed that Map Pack 2 for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 will be released late 2010. Also confirmed is that Infinity Ward is the team that is developing the second map pack. With the first map pack released earlier this week for Playstation 3, one question comes to mind, will the map pack for Playstation 3 also be delayed or released another month just like the first map pack? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Is there even enough people left working for IW to make a map pack?
I also asked the same question and I even hated their 2D apaeprance before but the time I played persona games, It’s like OMG THIS GAME ROCKS MY WORLD!!! Yeah it caused me to dislike studying coz I can’t let my hands off it XDIT’S REALLY WORTHY TO BUY THIS!!!