Mark Rein Vice President of Epic Games currently said in an interview that the engine behind many games such as Mass Effect, along with many others is due for an update and the new features “will blow people away.”“It’s a very mature engine and we’re adding great new features every year,” said Rein.“I just saw some incredible new stuff that we’re either later this year or next year for new engine features and I think they’re really going to blow people away.”Rein said earlier that if they a had an engine incremental numeration system, “we’d be at about 3.8 right now.”
Wonder if some of these features would be seen in games like Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, and Gears of War 3 down the road. Only a hunch at this point but we can still look forward to announcements like this. I’m sure everyone will get to see alot go down at next years E3.