Their is no doubt when Capcom announced that it will be bringing Tatsunoko vs Capcom over to American shores the 1% that did everything they could to import it got upset for the amount of money they spent. The other 99% of fans heads were exploding of the mere thought that they will be able to enjoy another Capcom vs game with characters of the likes they’ve never heard of. With Favorites like Ryu and Chun-Li while Alex from Street fighter 3 will join the brawl. Other fighters that will make its first appearance like Veiwtiful, G-Force, a mech from Lost Planet and more will be what makes this title stand out. It saddens me that this will only be released on the Wii but hey at least we’re getting it in the US, beggars can’t be choosers. Expect this title sometime in the fall, we’ll keep you updated.
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so cool yet supa pissed its for the wii 😐 damn you capcom!!!
whens the release date for this game anyhow?
they are looking to release it around winter.