Tag: xbox 360

Call of Duty Black Ops: What We Know So Far

News of Black Ops have been flying left and right the past few days of what Black Ops will have to offer, and I must say it is all pretty overwhelming. Originally I was semi impressed of what Treyarch was offering us in their rendition of the Modern Warfare franchise, but as more information is getting released to us the more and more appealing the game is turning out. We made a little cheat sheet of what the game will have to offer.

Duke Nukem Forever No Longer Taking Forever

Alright this is not a rumor nor myth, Duke Nukem Forever finally has a window of being released! Yes it has been over a decade of waiting for this big blockbuster of a game and why shouldn't it? Duke Nukem was one of the first big games that made games, well... I guess fun. I mean who else will kick ass and chew bubble gum?

CoD: Black Ops Kill Streak Revealed

If you haven't started practicing yet I would advise you to pick up your controllers and get your CoD skills back into par. Two more months left before Black Ops come out and I get to put more time into mastering the new kill streaks. Check inside for the list.

Xbox Getting New “Fighter” Oriented Controller

Microsoft has created a brand new version if the Xbox 360 controller that includes a transforming D-pad. By transforming I mean a d-pad that can go from a solid + form to a current disc form with the twist of the d-pad. Wait .. what?

Analyst Think Increase For Live Subscription Still Benefits Consumers

Just yesterday Major Nelson dropped the bomb on us and announced that Microsoft has decided to rape our wallets of our hard earned cash, by increasing the Xbox Live subscription fees. New additions to the Xbox Live Gold account would be ESPN along with other features that will explain the increase. Apparently EEDAR analyst Jesse Divinch is defending the price raise and claims it still benefits consumers.

Xbox Live Subscriptions Increasing

Yes, the dreadful day is coming... Increase in gaming subscriptions for Xbox is on the horizon. We all knew or caught wind of it in the planning stages, but come November it will actually happen. Major Nelson posted information of the change in subscription today informing the Xbox community of this kick the the nether regions. Countries that will be affected by this will be the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. For the changes in prices check inside.


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