Vanquish is a crazy action packed third person shooter from Shinji Mikami who is also the creator of the Resident Evil series. The main character is Sam Gideon of this futuristic third person shooter and he's pretty much a bad ass. The game pushes the player to fully utilize Sam’s combat suit to destroy enemies in style. What you get is a game that has a quick pace, has cool action sequences and pushes your character to its limits, which may not have been something you've seen from Platinum Games previous game Bayonetta. Click the link for the full review
At E3 we were treated to a demoed session of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. This demo was split into 3 different scenarios, demonstrating a couple of things in the game. Here's how it all went down.
Sega and Platinum Games are set to show the world Vanquish, a third person shooter that gives you that Gears of War cover system but put their own style on it. The main character is a US agent named Sam, who has to fight off many Russian robot troops that are trying to gain a energy source to rule the world. We got a hands on at E3 and here's what we thought.
With the madness that is E3 day one was certainly a crazy ride. We did however get a lot of hands on with the games and here is just a sample of what we've experienced.