Let the games… Begin! Microsoft is at it again, the recent job listings for new wanted ads have a listing for a hardware architect, a hardware verification engineer, and a performance engineer for the Xbox Console Architecture Group. Now if this isn’t for a next generation console I’m not sure what it could be for. I’m guessing with all the hardware guru’s being hired, hopefully the next console to come out from Microsoft wont have over heating problems nor anymore RRoD’s. Whatever the job listing is for, let’s just hope it’s backwards compatible.
[Source Eurogamer]
I’m ready for SOCOM 4 beta.
(operatorc from JTV — you have a great channel, dude!)
Yo Tango, I would love to get one of your beta keys since its not sending me the Activation Email right now I am just going to do it this way, but its PagenZero, you can check my name out on Skype but yea man you also need to stream more your a friendly person, but again I’m ready for a SOCOM 4 Beta Key 😀
Well Tango, my last comment was me xD but here is my real account so expect me around more often 😀
please beta key socom 4 thantk