Over the weekend Capcom delivered earth shattering news that it will be bringing in another vs series to the masses. This time teaming up with NamcoBandai for not one game but two! The first that was announced is Street Fighter X Tekken and as the name suggests it will be the Street Fighters camp vs the Tekken series. This version will be created by Capcom utilizing the Street Fighter IV engine and will be tagged based. Characters from the Tekken series will be re-imagined in this engine to fit the style for a completely new experience. From what has been said or lack there of it would seem the game is a ways off but will be for Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. With the release of Super Street Fighter IV, the announcement of Marvel vs Capcom 3 for 2011 and now this, Capcom is coming in at full swing with the fighting game genre. We’ll have more info as it comes in but check out this teaser trailer and screenshots dropped in from Capcom.
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