Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, renowned for their creative contributions to popular shows like Robot Chicken, The Simpsons, and The Masked Singer, is embarking on a...
ickstarter has been a recent website that's been popping up more and more in the gaming community. With the success of Tim Schaffer's point and click adventure game project being funded in just a few hours or being posted, more and more game designers are looking for the same vein to strike gold from. Kickstarter is great for people trying to make the American dream happen, but what does it do for gamer who really want a game?
John Hardie, Sean Kelly, and Joe Santulli are probably names that you haven't heard of before in the gaming industry. Little did you know the three names actually have a fairly large roll in the industry though. Hardi, Kelly, and Santulli are actually 3 ordinary guys who took it upon themselves to document the history of video games and created the Video Game History Museum.