According to NPD the US has spent about $5.9 billion, with a big fat B, on video games in the first quarter of 2011. The $5.9 billion compared to last years 2010 Q1 figures was actually a 1.5% increase in sales. Of course NPD took in account of gaming accessories, PC games, pre-owned games, online games, social sites, and game rentals. With the vast majority of entertainment being streamlined to consumers needs and wants, video games are in the express lane. Games being available from Redbox, Onlive, and even Gamefly for rentals, and for Steam, Direct 2 Drive, or XLBA and PSN for direct download means that games can be in gamer's hands with a touch of a few buttons.
Today in the United States Supreme Court, the case of Brown vs. The Entertainment Merchants Association was heard. Out of nine Justices seven of the nine deemed that the Constitutionality of a California state law which banned the sales of "violent" video games to minors unconstitutional.
Now that E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) has ended last week and our team has recuperated from the event we want to get you! involved. Yes we attended E3 and saw some really cool shit but thats only the tip of the ice berg. Be apart video game site that's growing and plans to do big things in the future. Do you have a love for games? Have an opinion on certain topics, are you maybe good at certain tasks? Well we're looking for you, hell all of you!
Capcom hasn't announced much for this huge release for the iOS and it's snuck up on almost everyone. But Monster Hunter: Dynamic Hunting is available on iOS!