Last week was Google’s Pixel event and they unveiled the Pixel 4 with new features like a multi camera in the back, motion sense and the new Google Assistant Built in. The phone has gesture controls, facial recognition to unlock your phone faster then ever before and a new recorder app that transcribes word for word what you’re saying. Obviously the biggest deal is the camera and photos and they’ve said with learning and software your photos come out better then anything out there. They’ve made improvements to Night Sight, Dual exposure controls, Live HDR+ and more. We’ll give you our full review soon but check out a few of Verizon’s deals below!
- Pixel 4 (5.7″)
- 64GB: $33.33 for 24 mo. ($799.99 retail)
- 128GB: $37.49 for 24 mo. ($899.99 retail)
- Pixel 4 XL (6.3″)
- 64GB: $37.49 for 24 mo. ($899.99 retail)
- 128GB: $41.66 for 24 mo. ($999.99 retail)
- Buy one Pixel 4 and get a 64GB Pixel 4 on Verizon
- One new line of service and Unlimited plan required
- Must purchase with Verizon Device Payment Plan
- Credit applied over 24 months
- Stacks with $200 switcher gift card offer
- Trade in an eligible smartphone and get $450
- Open to new and existing customers
- Unlimited plan required
- Credit applied over 24 months
- Stacks with $200 switcher gift card offer
- 25% off cases and screen protectors through 10/23