Monster Hunter Tri is the third console installment in the Monster Hunter franchise, developed by Capcom and released for the Wii. The environments in the game have been increased to include underwater locations. Eighteen brand new monsters were made just for the game. There are new AI movements and responses. Each weapon class has been updated with new moves and innovations. For a Wii title this game has some shocking visuals within the atmosphere for Monster Hunter Tri.
After Burner Climax is a combat flight game created by Sega-AM2. The game is the continuation to the arcade and console After Burner games and is the fourth title in the series. The historical model F-14 Tomcat that has always been in the previous games has been updated with the F-14D Super Tomcat. After Burner Climax now grants players the chance to fly in two new aircrafts: the F/A-18E Super Hornet and F-15E Strike Eagle.
All Star Karate (Wii)
Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
After Burner Climax (XBLA)
After Burner Climax (PSN)
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper (Xbox 360)