Review: Zombie Apocalypse – L4D light anyone?


If you’ve seen one zombie attack, you’ve seen them all right?. Well this game is no real acceptation to that, what you do get however from this Xbox live arcade/PSN title is a way to maybe pass the time until that .. well know .. zombie game .. releases this november (don’t want to name any names ..).


Zombie Apocalypse is a twin stick shooter much like Geometry Wars but instead of having bombs as your left and right triggers of the controller, you yield a chainsaw incase the action gets to thick for your blood. The game hosts 4 different characters which resemble another zombie shooter, 8 maps and around 50 levels. The game try’s to keep you on your seat by introducing new enemies every couple of stages which seem to last till level 26, but after that it gets repetitive. Not only that but this game can get down right frustrating. Some of the enemies you encounter later, sway side to side, some are hill billy gun happy zombies, some are kamikaze but most of all they are mostly one shot kill for you which becomes alot to deal with. Throwing more and more enemies at you later on, it only becomes a matter of time before you see yourself spawn and then get killed in seconds.


Unlike Geometry Wars the game is not entirely overhead, sort of giving you a 3rd degree angle to show off its graphics. The game runs smooth while lots of enemies try to pummel you into the ground. Visuals are vibrant and stages also sport their own canisters, fireworks and other goodies to destroy to keep the horde off of you. Xbox Live 4 player co-op is defiantly a good, although we have found it to be a bit buggy at times. Shooting with friends or random strangers can heighten the experience, at least screaming at the screen at the same time. Different agendas like mini games, only fighting a certain type of zombie or holding a certain type of gun is fun but for that long.


Overall its a quick fix for zombie lovers out their, not bad and 4 player co-op is always a plus. It can hold you over until the next one.

overall: 7.0/10

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Remy Cuesta
Remy Cuesta
[Editor-in-Chief] Co-founder of LVLONE I work to bring you our readers a fun outlet to read tech and gaming news, reviews and experiences.


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