Rumor: New PSP in the works

Video game website 1UP has revealed that a new PSP is in the works that is called “PSP Go!”. The hardware seems like it will remain the same, however the body of the system will change to a “slide up” style rather then the wide body of the current PSP. Also the rumor says that the UMD slot will be gone and that the system will be able to download its games from online. Supposedly the PSP Go! will be in two variation: 8 gigabyte and 16 gigabyte and that it will be released around holiday time.

Keep in mind everyone this is a rumor, Sony has not announced such a system so we will have to wait and see what they say. Personally I don’t want to get my hopes up (it is Sony we’re talking about) but the concept seems pretty cool, and hey even I’d potentially pick up one. So how about you? Think it’s true? and if so do you think I would sell, especially in the current economy?


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Aykut D.
Aykut D.
[Editor] I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I enjoy almost all video game genres but my favorites are action adventure and rpg's.


  1. Well, it would be cool if that rumor would be confirmed … 😀 This games seems great! If this would be confirmed, I’d probably get one! 🙂


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