Red Steel 2 first video trailer

The first promo video of Red Steel 2 has shown up on youtube to the surprise of many gamers. Although it was known that Red Steel 2 was in the works for some time now, little was known about the title, until now. The video shows off both gun and sword gameplay, using the Wii-motionplus and though it’s difficult to tell from the video the game will most likely be smoother and play better then the first title. Also the game notably seems to take place in a more sci-fi world whereas the original was in modern day Japan.
For those of you who might have missed the first don’t worry, you didn’t miss much, the game was widely criticized for its clunky use of the Wii-mote and it’s sub-par production values. While the gaming community shunned the title, there were some like me that were sympathetic, the game launched with the Wii so the system was obviously new and developers were still getting used to building a game around the unique controls. So hopefully the team behind the game has learned (a lot) about how to make a game for the Wii that works. The game is supposed to be released Q4 2009.



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Aykut D.
Aykut D.
[Editor] I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I enjoy almost all video game genres but my favorites are action adventure and rpg's.


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