Rumor: Sony to reveal motion-sensing controller


I found this bit of news from several sources including websites like The Cut Scene and Joystiq. It seems that Sony has a patent on a motion-sensing controller and the speculation is that the industry giant will be showing off their new toy at E3 in the coming weeks. Interestingly enough the patent suggests that the controller is camera based and the movements will be tracked by LED lights on the controller. All of this means that Sony’s new hardware will be more accurate than the Wii’s Wii-mote.
Now I’m all for industry growth but this really seems like a direct copy off of Nintendo’s idea. It seems like Sony has read some of the big N’s sales reports and decided to jump on the “motion bandwagon” in hopes of getting their sales up. One can argue who has more quality games but when broken down to the numbers Sony’s machine is in third place, no questions asked. So do I blame Sony for trying something new to stimulate sales? No. But I do think Sony needs to find their own ideas rather than copying off of Nintendo’s, I’m not trying to be a Sony basher but the PS3 has yet to offer me something that really stands above it’s competitors and if all they can offer “new” is a copy of the Wii-mote then that just solidifies my stance on them. What do you think? Is Sony making a cheesy copy of the Wii-mote or are they making something that will really be an evolution in gaming?



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The Bad Man
The Bad Man
I am a sports gamer. If a sports game is released, I play it.


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