Tag: metal gear

Japan Gets Metal Gear Arcade

First it was Gundamn and now it's Metal Gear. Arcade games in Japan are getting fancy with a lot of big hits to add to their arcade selection. I guess all there's left to do is sit and wait till the bring it to America.

Kojima teaser reveals Naked Snake


There have been several updates on the Kojima teaser site since we mentioned the countdown on our site. Until this point the website has started to rain with lightning and thunder striking every few seconds. Each time lightning strikes a letter is revealed, so far the letters don't seem to spell anything out. The other major thing revealed however is Naked Snake confirming a new Metal Gear game. Naked Snake seems to be older than he was in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops which points to a sequel to these earlier games. Many have suggested the game will take place in Vietnam according to the patch on beret.


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