
Ubisoft E3 2017 Showed promise but plays it safe

  With Ubisoft's showcase happening not that long ago, we've...

ESPN on Xbox Live

We are now going to have access to over 3500 live global sporting events. That is quite a lot!

New Xbox 360 Slim Hardware Details

The new Xbox 360 Slim has changes than the obvious, Microsoft has indeed put extra effort into their new machine to keep it as competitive as possible. Also an extra port on the back of console that's not on the orignal Xbox 360, what's it for? Continue reading for more.

Monday Video Game Giveaway Special

This week's giveaway is a little different as we are revolving it around the launch of our channel making its debut tomorrow. We will be giving the question out during the live broadcast and will provide the link to respond tomorrow. Trust us you won't want to miss tomorrow's prize.

Episode 3 of “Crackdown 2” Animated Mini-Series

[The game is rated M from the ESRB so keep in mind before watching the trailer]

Episode 3 of 5 is out for Crackdown 2: The Pacific Archives mini-series.

First lvlone podcast!

lvlone_logo_podcast2 lvlone Podcast 1 Hey lvlone users we would like to thank everyone whose been visiting the site and commenting on our posts. We here at lvlone have been working hard on getting new content on the website and we are proud to announce our first podcast ever. In this podcast Remdog and I talk about a few interesting topics including ...

New set of Vintage Genesis games on XBLA


Sega has just announced that they will be releasing several classic Genesis games on XBLA. Among the announced games are many fan favorites such as Shinobi, Comix Zone, Altered Beast, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Phantasy Star II, and Sonic & Knuckles. Sega announced that all the games will have re-worked graphics, and online leaderboards. Each game will be released separably, however there's no word on when each game will be released. Interestingly enough Sonic & Knuckles will have the "lock-on" feature which allowed gamers to play as Knuckles in Sonic 2 & 3, making it available for the first time to everyone since the original, no word on how this will actually work however.

New Features announced for NCAA Football 10

031909c A few major announcements were made as to the new features to be highlighted in NCAA Football 10 for the XBox360 and PS3 versions...

The most memorable opening scenes


Video games are much like books and movies—the very beginning has a big impact on the audience. The opening scene sets the feel and pacing of the quest, and is that split second after the intro movie (if there is one) is done when players are first given control of their character. They have that one moment to locate themselves on screen and take in their surroundings. They take a breath, and then take their first step on the adventure ahead of them. They don't know what to expect, what kind of baddies and bosses await, but they're eager and ready. Although there are many video games that have a forgettable or perhaps generic beginning, some titles stand out from the crowd. These games have unique and distinguished opening scenes, so much so that the initial frame has been embedded into gamers heads and have become instantly recognizable. Here are some of the most memorable opening scenes in gaming.

Throwing a party? Bring out the video games.

So your planning a little get together or maybe a big party? Having video games available to your guests has become extremely common today, in recent years the "Party" genre of video games has grown exponentially. Knowing what games to get are important, they have to be easy to pick up and play, yet challenging enough to get everyone interested and competing against one another. Here are a few games that will add a whole new level of excitement to your party.

What games are coming up for Xbox 360?


It seems as though Microsoft's gaming system always has several games that are on the horizon of being released, however if you've already beaten Resident Evil 5, and Halo Wars then you might be thinking what next? Well there are plenty of games on the release calender, and here are just a few I picked out that I think are going to stand above the other titles.


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