Saints Row IV review

Saints Row 3 had set the bar pretty high in terms of complete chaos and hilarity that could be used in an open world sandbox third person game. How does Saints Row IV compare? By upping the anti of craziness and almost setting no boundaries in which to do it in. The game gives you almost an overwhelming amount to do and tries to keep you engaged, even when things start to feel stale.

Saints Row IV starts similar to 3 in which it is pretty action packed from the start. By turn of events you become president of the United States and it just so happens aliens decide to crash the party of the White House and take over the world. Without giving to much away the world as you know it is not what you traverse but yet a Matrix like recreation of Steelport. Like the Matrix you start to gain access to abilities that let you perform giant leaps, shoot powers and run incredible fast. Their’s nothing you can’t do.
This leads you to believe that the game loses its ability to be challenging which is sometimes the case but not always. Sure if you start finding yourself in a bad situation you can simply hightail it out of there with your super speed. The game finds a way to get you from any direction your coming in, whether its flying enemies or over whelming numbers on the ground, could make you feel helpless if not approached in the right matter.

Saints Row 4’s arsenal of weaponry is no slouch though. The guns vary from pistols, rifles and alien firearms. Some have cool abilities like the Abductor which will send anything to the strange light in the sky. Another less useful but just as flashy is the Dubstep gun making things appear like they are dancing to the beat. Any vehicle can be taken or customized and their are many vehicles.

All your missions come from headquarters (it’s not called that) where you can go to your menu to select the missions you want to do, either main story or side quests. Co-op also works quite well in the game and while not new two people having insane super human abilities certainly looks better then one. Your also not restricted from having to load to the main headquarters if your friend wants to stay in the city or vise-versa which I think is worth mentioning.
Saints Row IV at times feels more of the same but most the time it doesn’t which is what really stands out about this title. We wish their had been more change to the city and more modes to play with more people but what it does have is done right and is not only great fun but sometimes had us surprised.


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Remy Cuesta
Remy Cuesta
[Editor-in-Chief] Co-founder of LVLONE I work to bring you our readers a fun outlet to read tech and gaming news, reviews and experiences.


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