Prototype 2 Review

There used to be a inflation for open world environment games but we seemed to have gotten less and less of that. Selective titles with more punch have come out making the experience all the more worth it. In 2009 we got Prototype, the open world super ability antihero game. Vengeance and destruction was the name of the game and it felt good doing it. Three years later and we are getting the sequel to it, what has changed? Not to much which is good and bad.

Our new hero .. or lack there of is Sgt. James Heller, thought to be protecting the city only to find his wife and kid murdered from its chaotic state. Seeking full vengeance for the one he claims responsible Alex Mercer, he then finds out that this is bigger then he could imagine. The answers he seeks are within the heads of the military and scientists claiming to try and stop this outbreak. Alex gives him the same gene infection to do just that.

The abilities you receive are almost identical to Alex. Taking down enemies and completing missions will give you experience which can be used to gain new moves. Different moves can be somewhat mapped to the controller giving you new ways of taking down foes. It is satisfying to be able to ground pounce and have enemies flying everywhere or grab someone to toss them at a group to explode. Some of these movies are new to Heller like the ability to create a chain reaction bomb which connects everything around the object thrown.

With a little more detail in the city of New York seems the same from before along with the whole game. It seems to handle more things on screen with more destruction happening at once. Enemies can get very big in the game which is handled nicely by the games engine. My big issues come from the actual missions of the game. They seem repetitive in nature as you go in to military bases taking on disguises from enemies you devour or go to a heavily guided target to seek the information within them. There are a few unlockables here and there to get access to a stronger Heller for more destruction. With a slew of side missions to keep the action going .

Prototype 2 does everything the first game did with a few tweaks. There isn’t much improvement beyond that but it depends on what you are looking for. If your expecting a revelation in the story, your not going to get that. If you are looking for a fun sandbox game or have not played the first one, this will keep you entertain as swatting an object at a helicopter or ripping a tank to pieces can only be seen as awesome.


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Remy Cuesta
Remy Cuesta
[Editor-in-Chief] Co-founder of LVLONE I work to bring you our readers a fun outlet to read tech and gaming news, reviews and experiences.


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