Wii U: The Tech Demos Shown

Wii U is the new Nintendo console, the controller has a tablet interface that comes with a lot potential for games. At E3 Nintendo had several playable tech demos that were shown off to show what the new controller can do. Nintendo reminded everyone that the tech demos are just to show how the Wii U’s controller can work and did not say that these were games. Overall even though the tech is at an early stage the demos showed enough of what the controller can do.

Chase Mii is game that put 4 players with Wiimotes against 1 player who has the Wii U tablet controller. The players are all in a maze and the 4 players with Wiimotes have to find and catch the 1 player, however the player with the Wii U controller has a map of the entire maze and can see where all the other players are.

Shield Pose is a game that has the player withe a Wii U controller blocking arrows being shot at them from enemies. The Wii U controller acts like a shield. Players also have to block the arrows at a rhythm giving the game some extra difficulty.


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Aykut D.
Aykut D.
[Editor] I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I enjoy almost all video game genres but my favorites are action adventure and rpg's.


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