Bioshock Not Three But Infinite

It hasn’t been that long since Bioshock 2 came out, I mean considering it was about six months since its release, but nonetheless Ken Levine and team at Irrational Games have been working hard at the next Triple A blockbuster up and running. Bioshock: Infinite takes you away from the world of Rapture and puts you up into the city of Columbia. Columbia is the new world above the old world, a vast floating city riddled with patriotic American flags and propaganda. Columbia seems like a city from the Revolutionary War era, steam punk-esk flying machines soar through the sky. Rather than the murky dark and haunting look of Rapture, Columbia is bright, beautiful and full of life… Although reality is skewed and is somewhat twisted and civilized at the same time. Newly upgraded Big Daddies are still here to make someones life a little more difficult than it originally was. Instead of a large mining drill connected to their hand, a functional mechanical prosthetic is in it’s place. There’s much to see and experience throughout Columbia, these are just a few of the things that we get to see from the trailer. Columbia may be a beautiful city on the surface, but I’m sure there is a dark, ugly, and positively monsterous side lurking in the belly of this beast. Expect more information to come since this is still a work in progress from Ken Levine and Irrational Games, and you can count on us to bring you the news.

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Rob Kwong
Rob Kwong
[Managing Editor] Managing editor for LVLONE News, Here to bring you information on all your PC hardware, conventions, anime, and gaming needs. Love playing first person shooters, whether it be the new Call of Duty, Valorant, or Overwatch. From time to time you'll catch me playing some Team Fight Tactics or some indie games to take a breather from all the FPS games.


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