Full length [Extended] Halo Reach “Birth of a Spartan” live action video

Brace yourselves for a riveting glimpse into one of the darkest secrets of the “Halo” universe. This week premiered “Birth of a Spartan” live-action short directed by award-winning director Noam Murro. “Birth of a Spartan” is a stirring depiction of the transformation of Carter 259, the future leader of Noble Team in “Halo: Reach,” from an ordinary young man to a superhuman Spartan warrior.

The highly classified bio-augmentation procedure is a Spartan candidate’s final and most difficult ordeal before joining the ranks of the legendary soldiers. The dramatic interpretation of Carter’s rebirth as a Spartan embodies the themes of courage, sacrifice and honor in “Halo: Reach” and gives viewers a unique look into the origins of a central character in the upcoming blockbuster game. Note: This is the extended full length version of the video shown on Tuesday, enjoy.


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Remy Cuesta
Remy Cuesta
[Editor-in-Chief] Co-founder of LVLONE I work to bring you our readers a fun outlet to read tech and gaming news, reviews and experiences.


  1. Just watched this. Ever since they’ve been doing the live action commercials I’m liking the game more and more. Kinda makes it feel that this game could be real one day.


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