Trauma Team Preview

Trauma Team is the sequel to Trauma Center for the Wii and although the same core surgery mechanics are still here to please fans this new entry in the series is adding even more features to an already solid title. Trauma Team is broken down into 6 games, the classic surgery game being one of them and the other range from frantic game types to slow adventure styles. 
Before diving into the gameplay players are treated with cutscenes that follow the story of the doctors and their lives as they provide care for their patients. The story is told through comic book style images so it definitly fits the art of the game. Cutscenes are also voice acted well and with good reason, much of the story is pretty dramatic and intense similar to watching an episode of the TV Show House, or CSI. The game is promising an indepth look at the doctors so there will be plenty of other reasons to play other than the gameplay itself.

Our preview demo consitted mostly of the new Diagnostics mode, this game mode plays similar to an adventure game somewhat similar to Pheonix Wright. Players are given a random patient who comes in hoping for your help. Like any other doctor you can check patient’s medical record and see if they have any pre existing conditions, if they do the gameplay might suitable change to the condition. After a record check you can go into a QA session, you can start asking questions if the patient is having certain pains and symptoms. Asking these questions actually help you diagnose the patient so you can proceed giving the care that’s needed. Next a stethoscope can be used to listen to any heart beat adnormalisties, also the patients eyes can be examined to see if there is any discoloration for example. While your doing all of them exams players make notes of these observations and log them into a journal where they can start comparing the symptoms with known aliments. To further diagnose patients players can get the sick into a CV scan to view any part of the patients body and from there can compare the image to a typcial healthy image, these can also help in the diagnoses of the patient. 
From the preview that was shown it looks like Trauma Team is taking it’s series in new directions while still retaining the core gameplay, the previous Trauma Center games were solid titles and were a perfect fit for the Wii. Now Trauma Team looks like it’s going to be taking the step from solid title to must own for the Nintendo console. Trauma Team will be released May 2010.

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Aykut D.
Aykut D.
[Editor] I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I enjoy almost all video game genres but my favorites are action adventure and rpg's.


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