Updated: Final Fantasy XIII-2 in the Works! What Does This Mean?

FFXIII-2 logo

It was originally reported back in 2009 that there would be a direct sequel to Square-Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII. It is slated for us Westerners for winter 2012 and Japan will see it winter 2011. But we are already seeing trailers, both in Japanese and in English. What could this mean?

In the trailer, we see a small recap of the last scene of the game before it trails off to what seems to be the future. Feathers everywhere, a crystal in the background, and a very stoic Lightning, donning what seems to be the armor of Odin. Then it ends, standing back to back with another mysterious warrior, quickly turning to one another clashing swords. It doesn’t look like Noctis as we already know what he looks like in the other game XIII – Versus. So, who is this guy? What does he have to do with Lightning? And what exactly is in that crystal?

Square promises a revamped battle system, a more intense storyline and focus on this new character.As we learn more, we’ll be sure to keep you posted!


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Graphics are nice but give me story! >:O


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