Street Fighter X Tekken: What We Know So Far

‘Tis the season for a beating and I’m here to tell you of a new fighting masterpiece that are currently works in progress. The two teams responsible for the development of Both Super Street Fighter 4 AND Tekken (Capcom and Namco Bandai) are in collaboration to create a game so EPIC that the world itself might not be ready: Street Fighter X Tekken. From videos taken at this year’s comic-con and news gathered on the internet with possible rumors, here is a list of everything we know so far for Street Fighter X Tekken:

• Capcom is working on Street Fighter X Capcom utilizing the Super Street Fighter IV engine, while introducing the Tekken fighters in the same type of art style…sticking as close to their original looks in Tekken as possible (almost identical).
• The game will possibly need a two year development cycle according to producers so an early 2012 release is eminent.
• The stages for the game seems to be a mixture of two worlds.
• From the Street Fighter/Capcom side, we see a large head piece figure which turns out to be a “Servebot” and other mechanical structures from games such as Mega Man: Legends and Marvel vs. Capcom. The servebot head seems to be more of a mask/helmet for a person who occasionally stands up in it.
• From the Tekken/Namco Bandai side, it seems to be a darker, grungier battlefield. You’re fighting on what looks to be a ruined or wrecked highway with an extended level range (from the side of screen to the other).
• We know Ryu, Chun-li, Kazuya and Nina are in the games from the vids and screens shown. Dan has a short cameo in the teaser so we’re not sure if he’ll be in the final product.
• While the fighting itself comes directly from the SSF4 engine, the tag system like Tekken utilizes will be in the game, along with abilities taking advantage of it.
• Opponents can be bounced off of walls and floors and call in the players partner for tag team combos.
• As far as combos go, they’ve been kept at the same pace as in SSF4.
• Lastly, Tag Specials have been re-introduced back into the Street Fighter universe which are similar to Rival Schools style(there haven’t been tag specials since Street Fighter: EX 3).
• Each Tag special should be unique to every fighter and will no doubt take more then one super bar to use.

If you readers are anything like us here at, you’ve just peed yourself…a little bit,
and wait… that’s not all! A second game is also in production, Tekken X Street fighter! A counterpart to Street Fighter X Tekken, TXSF is most likely going to be a fireball-less brawler. Not much is known about TXSF, but an estimated release date to both games is 2 years from now on both the PS33 and the Xbox 360…so those of you who were worried about “2012”, fear not…it’s not the end of the world, only the introduction of a new one.

Check back for updates of Street Fighter X Tekken as it comes in and also check out our Marvel vs Capcom 3: What We Know So Far post for the latest on that.

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  1. I knew this wouldn’t be the last time we see the Street Fighter 4 engine. Its just that good!!


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